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2004 Conferences on 
Sustainable Building
SB'04 Conferences  

Arab Sustainable Building and Construction

Pursuant to the United Nations Environment Programme's regional initiative, which has been adopted and endorsed through a resolution by the Council of Arab Housing and Construction Ministers (CAHCM), an Arab Consortium of stakeholders was formed to co-organize the 1st Arab Forum on SBC (Cairo - Egypt, December 19-21, 2004), in preparation for Tokyo SBC05 Conference (September 2005). The Forum's Committee includes UNEP-ROWA, the League of Arab States (LAS), the Arab Union of Cement and Building Materials (AUCBM), and Egypt National Institute of Housing and Construction Research (NIHCR). Other Arab governments and organizations are also invited to take part.

As collectively agreed upon, the Forum will conclude with a comprehensive Arab SBC Paper to be submitted to Tokyo SBC05. The Arab SBC Paper will address the following themes, with due consideration to Arab specific conditions, inheritance, outlook, developments, needs and priorities:
1. The Current State of Building and Construction Industry (B&CI) in the Arab region:
2. The Sustainable Management of buildings and infrastructures
3. Methodologies and Mechanisms of developing B&CI

For detail information, please see here

Latin America

Central/East. Europe

Arab States

South-East Asia
SB'05 Conference 
World Sustainable
Building Conference
in Tokyo