Malta SBE16 conference

Researchers and professionals are invited to submit abstracts until the 31st July 2015 to present theirr work at the SBE16 Conference in Malta. Visit for further information. The event forms part of the 2016 International Sustainable Built Environment Conference Series convened under the auspices of the four international organizations: iiSBE, CIB, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC.

SBE16_Malta will be the first international conference addressing a Sustainable Built Environment in the Mediterranean Region.

All papers, oral presentations and posters shall be in English. All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee and presented at the Conference in oral or poster form will be published in a book of Proceedings with an ISBN. All accepted papers will be indexed in international scientific databases. The main results of the SBE16 Malta Conference can also be presented at the World Congress (WSBE) 2017 in Hong Kong.

The local organizer is SBE (Sustainable Built Environment) Malta the iiSBE Malta Chapter, in collaboration with the University of Malta, the Building Industry Consultative Council (BICC) of the Government of Malta and the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change of Malta.

• 30th July 2015 Abstract submission
• 15th September 2015 Acceptance notification
• 1st November 2015 Full paper submission
• 15th December 2016 Results of full paper review process
• 1st February 2016 Submission of final papers.