iiSBE Summer News Update

We have published a summer news update to catch up with this year’s past event and to announce some new ones. Contents include:

• A workshop on urban assessment in Paris
• Another Paris workshop on the SBE conference series
• Report on two weeks of lectures, meetings and discussions in Taiwan
• Presentation of iiSBE position paper “Plan B” at CaGBC in Toronto
• CESBA meeting in Barcelona in mid June
• SBE Urban Challenge 2020 launched in June
• iiSBE members participate in Turkish project on nZEB
• Issues with Building Research & Information (BRI)

SBE series - CESB19 Call for Abstracts Reminder

CESB19 Call for Abstracts Reminder
Abstract submission closes on 15 May 2018

We would like to invite you to attend the Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19) conference, which will be held on July 2–4, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic. This email is a reminder that the date for abstract submission is 15 May 2018. If you have not done so already, please submit your abstract (up to 250 words) via conference electronic system accessible at the website https://www.conftool.com/cesb19 as soon as possible.

Updated iiSBE Plan B position paper

We have issued a new version of the Plan B position paper on dealing with climate change impacts in the built environment, specifically adaptation and rapid actions to reduce GHG emissions. The PPT file contains additional information on expected climate change impacts.

Please see attached and send comments to larsson@iisbe.org.

Nils Larsson

News from January SBE Meeting in Paris

The coordinators of the planned SBE18-20 conferences that are part of the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) series, held a meeting in Paris during 18-19 January, with the SBE partners who own and manage the series. Representatives of the series co-owners (Nils Larsson, Wim Bakens, Luis Bragança and Jean Félix) provided background on the series, which has been going since 2000, its objectives and future plans. Each event coordinator who attended then described the plans for their events.

iiSBE workshop on urban performance assessment

iiSBE organized a small international workshop on the performance assessment of small urban areas, that took place on 17-18 January at UN offices in Paris.

The workshop included 22 invited researchers who are active in the field. Presentations covered the development of an urban assessment tool for CESBA, the Common European Sustainable Building Assessment network that is composed of 9 European urban regions, the development of URBENERE, a similar system being developed for Latin American countries and a theoretical overview by Serge Salat who has extensive experience in this field. There was also discussion of urban assessment issues. We attach the notes from the event.

N. Larsson