Fall newsletter and membership reminder

We have issued a new iiSBE newsletter, covering activities that iiSBE has been involved in since March of this year. We also remind you that membership dues are payable by 31 October, so we urge you to keep iiSBE financially sustainable by joining or rejoining soon. The newsletter and membership forms are attached.


Update on SBE Conference series

The SBE partners and representatives of the WSBE17 Hong Kong and Gothenburg WSBE20 conferences, plus Ivan Cerda (Chile) and Thomas Lûtzkendorf (Germany) met in Paris during 11-12 October to review the 10 SBE19 proposals that have been received and also to discuss detailed plans for WSBE2020. One point of immediate interest is that the partners decided to extend the eligibility period for the conferences backward, to 1 September 2018. This was done in view of two applications for events in the Fall of 2018, and a decision that such a move would not create a problem for other events.

Plan B for rapid adaptation, GHG reductions and resilience in the built environment

iiSBE has released the latest version of its Plan B document that outlines a small number of key measures to ensure urban resilience and to rapidly reduce GHG emissions in the built environment sector in the face of climate change. The document is accompanied by a regional input form to allow us to develop regional versions. For more info, contact Nils Larsson at larsson@iisbe.org.

The WSBE17 Conference in Hong Kong was a major success

This conference was the latest global event in the SBE conference series. The series operates on a 3-year cycle and WSBE17 was preceded by 20 national events during 2016. About 1800 persons attended the conference itself, which was primarily sponsored by the HK Green Building Council. Many members or friends of iiSBE participated as speakers and/or delegates, including Thomas Lützkendorf, Joseph Li, Andrea Moro, Antonin Lupisek, Greg Foliente, Luis Bragança, Nils Larsson, Jean Cinq-Mars, Bob Bach, Serge Salat, Mark Gorgolewski, Ray Cole and George Baird.

Swedish proposal selected for WSBE2020 conference

The next global conference in the SBE series WSBE2020 conference will be held at Chalmers University in Gôteborg, Sweden during 9-11 June 2020.

The selection was made at a meeting in Paris on 24 April by representatives of the five SBE partner organizations, CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI, FIDIC and the Global Alliance for Building and Construction. Six organizations expressing interest in being considered were invited to submit detailed proposals, and four did so.