Zurich SBE16 extends abstracts deadline

The deadline for the abstract submission for the SBE16 Zurich conference has been extended until the 1st of August 2015. The conference takes place from 15-17 June 2016 at the ETH Zurich and focus on system thinking in the built environment. Workshops will be conducted before the conference (on the 13th and 14th). If you want to propose one, the deadline for application is the 15th of November 2015.

The organisers welcome all contributions dealing with:
* Integrated approaches to energy and resource efficiency
* Distributed energy systems and infrastructure for buildings and cities
* Novel life-cycle oriented building and construction materials
* Approaches to user and stakeholder involvement and interaction
* Economic models and policy development for fast and efficient implementation

Visit the website www.sbe16.ethz.ch for further information.

SBE16_CFP_3 Zurich.pdf1.67 MB