News from January SBE Meeting in Paris

The coordinators of the planned SBE18-20 conferences that are part of the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) series, held a meeting in Paris during 18-19 January, with the SBE partners who own and manage the series. Representatives of the series co-owners (Nils Larsson, Wim Bakens, Luis Bragança and Jean Félix) provided background on the series, which has been going since 2000, its objectives and future plans. Each event coordinator who attended then described the plans for their events. The events are separately organized and managed, but all have themes that are consistent with sustainable design and construction and the relationship of climate change with the built environment. We have attached a few files that describe series, its present status as well as note from the Paris meeting.

N. Larsson, SBE coordinator

Notes on SBE meeting Paris Jan. 2018 REV.pdf273.21 KB
SBE 18-19 status matrix 15Jan18.pdf55.65 KB